
Sierra Gold USBC Association offers awards to members bowling certain accomplishments during league play.

From time to time, we get questions on how an award is earned. Some of the awards – “Game” awards and “Series” awards - have average requirements. Most awards are given once-per-year. That means, if you bowl on more than one league, you can only earn the specific award once per year. The bowling “year” runs August 1st through July 31st (the same as your USBC membership). Some awards are awarded only once in a lifetime. And a handful of awards have no limit. But really, how often do you pick up the 7-10 split?

Game Awards

Pins are awarded once per year for game accomplishments.

Note Average requirements

Series Awards

Bag Tags are awarded once per year for Series accomplishments.

Note Average requirements

We recently did a survey to determine what awards our membership would like to receive.

Over 80% of respondents indicated

they valued the awards they receive!

How do you display your awards?

Comments: How do you display your awards?

· Eventually, a shadow box

· If they are duplicates I use them in league or give them to other secretaries

· Display them on my desk

· Saved in a bag

· There is a display case

· Some I display on dash mat and some I put into a shadow box and some repeats I return to USBC box

· Shadow box on my wall

· Put them on a t-shirt

· I keep them in my desk. I’m not one to stand out before others displaying awards. I always want to better my own bowling and do what I can to help other bowlers do better in their game.

· I have a room with shadow boxes and walls for plaques, pictures, etc

· I use it as a bowling towel... Thank you Sierra Gold! Also, bag tags are good key fobs.

· Hang them on my wall

· I like to wear then on my shirt but have too many now so I only just wear the real important ones

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